
2006第8回【翠渓会・本部遠征】【伊豆方面】第二陣翠月版 《秋渓・河津川》今日は河津川水系だ。佐賀野川が好きだが、暫らくは禁漁なので、渓相を見に行く。釣り人が入らない分、アマゴが増えた訳ではないが、国民宿舎から歩いてわざわざ入渓した事もある。最近は昔より川の状態はよくない。やはり、核心の中流部より、源流か、最下流部がメインになる。隣の奥原川も伊豆ぽっくない暗い谷だ。入渓者も河津川水系では少ない方だ。本流の河津七滝を釣るのもよいが、滝がポイントの中心で豪快だが、観光客がうるさい。やはり、河津七滝上〜二階滝周辺〜源流か湯が野〜大滝までの方がよさそうだ。今日は各川の下見もしたので、午後から『往年の名渓』に入渓する。河津川本流のグラマスなぴかぴか大アマゴには適わないが、支流にも鼻の尖った精悍なアマゴはいる。この川は以前釣れた、34センチの精悍な顔つきのアマゴが忘れられず、通い詰めている。尺近くのアマゴはでるが、尺を超えるのはあれから一度もでない。今日は時間も無いので、名渓の支流と源流部を釣る。かなり水が出たのか、伐採みたいに木で埋まっているのが目立つ。支流は奥はあまり無いが、たまに9寸クラスのアマゴが出る。大石のポイントからはアマゴが来たが引きは強くない、22センチだ。昨日は散々だったので否に綺麗に見える。あとは小さいアマゴばかりだ。アブラ君が待ち構えている堰堤に出た。水は普通だが、一昨年より少し、土砂が出てしまった感じだ。昨年は道路はなかったはず。大雨の影響か?当然アブラ君の猛攻かと思いきや、でないどころかアタリもない。う〜ん、ここで出ないのは厳しいな。暫らく上ると明るい淵。ここなら!しかしアタリはない。どうしたことか?アマゴは一尾、アブラ君数匹の貧果だ。支流に戻り、奥に入るとすぐアタリ、小アマゴだった。アタリ無いので、出合から、釣り下ってみるが、魚影なし!どうしたことか?本流に下ったか?水温は冷たくはない。今日は5月位の陽気だ。少し汗ばむくらいに感じる。しかし、諦めるしかなく、河津川水系を引き上げる。稲生沢川水系に移動、支流に入渓するが、葦の密生の中、またまたアブラ君の超猛攻に撃沈。うまい手打ちそば処を見送りながら大沢温泉を覗き、道の駅三聖苑を目指す、ここの道の駅は松崎温泉と同じく、温泉が併設され大変便利だ。小さいが、露天風呂もある。今日は温泉に入り、クローズとする。松崎のユースホステル、三余荘に翠雪どのと泊まった事を思い出していた。松崎港からの夕日が綺麗だ。明日はどこに入ろうか?
It is a Kawazu river water system 《 the valley in autumn and the Kawazu river 》 today of 【 Midoritani association and headquarters expedition 】 and 【 Izu district 】 the second-time 2006 eighth Gemmidoritskihan. It goes to see the valley aspect because it is prohibition of fishing though Saga Nogawa likes. ..insertion valley.. purposely walking from the inexpensive hotel operated by a local government though Amago did not increase to the extent that those who fish do not enter. The state of the river is not better than that of old times recently. Still, the source or the downstream part becomes a main from the middle reaches part in the core. Next Ocharacawa is Izu An ..saying.. Tani. The insertion valley person is little one in the Kawazu river water system. The tourist is annoying though the waterfall is dynamic in the center of the point though it is also good to fish Kawazu 7 waterfall in the main stream. Still, Kawazu 7 Takinoue?Surrounding of waterfall of the second floor?Is the source or the hot water a field?Otaki seems to be better. It is insertion valley in 'Former great valley' because it made a preliminary inspection of each river today from the afternoon. It is not suitable for Gramas large Amago of the Kawazu Kawamoto style, and there dauntless Amago that the nose is pointed out also in the branch. This river is not forgotten Amago of a dauntless face of 34 centimeters that were able to be fished before, and frequents it. It is from that that exceeds and the scale never in Amago in the vicinity of the scale. The branch and the source part of a great valley are fished because there is not time today either. Water came out considerably or being buried by the tree like deforestation stands out though it doesn't know. Amago of a no bur and occasionally nine 'sun' class reaches the branch from the interior too much. Pulls are 22 not strong centimeters though Amago came from Oishi's point. Because it was a scatter scatter yesterday, it looks beautiful no. Only small Amago. It went out to the dam for which Abra was waiting. It is feeling of which earth and sand has gone out a little since the year before last though water is usual. There had to have been no road last year. Is it an influence of the heavy rain?It is thought the vigorous attack of Abra naturally and there is not Atari far from no ..finishing coming.. , it either. ..floatage.. ?And not going out here shall not be severe. Pool bright when going up. If it is here. However, there is no Atari. How did you do?Amago is 1, and Hinhata of several ..Abra... It returned to the branch, and it was Atari, and small Amago as soon as entering the interior. Uocage none because there is no Atari though it comes across and it .... fishes and it descends. How did you do?Have you descended on the main stream?The water temperature is not cold. It is cheerful as May today. It feels it by a little sweating. However, it can do nothing but give up, and the Kawazu river water system is improved. It sinks it to the super-vigorous attack of in growing thick of insertion valley and the reed and Abra again in the movement and the branch in the Ino swamp river water system. The roadside station here that peeps into the hot spring of Osawa while seeing off a good hand-made buckwheat noodle conduct oneself, and aims at three roadside station Saint is established the hot spring as an annex as well as the hot spring of Matsuzaki and is very convenient. It is small, and there an outdoor hot spring, too. It takes a hot spring bath, and it is assumed that it closes today. The Midoriyuki thing to stay was recalled the youth hostel and three Yo of Matsuzaki. The evening sun from the Matsuzaki port is beautiful. Where shall we be going to enter tomorrow?