
2006第8回【翠渓会・本部遠征】【伊豆方面】第三陣翠月版 《伊豆西部の渓流》西伊豆三川とは仁科川、那賀川、岩科川だが、各ガイドブックで紹介されているように、釣り場の規模、奥行で仁科川が筆頭だ。那賀川は大沢温泉が有名だから、那賀川と大沢温泉の名前は関東近県に知れ渡っている。渓流マンで知らない人はいない。大沢温泉ホテルは邸宅風の一見、釣りには不向きな感じもするが、常宿として利用する釣り人も多い、漁協の案内では9/30迄の漁期だが、春先から、伊豆らしい解禁を迎えられるので解禁を那賀川で!という釣り人もいるはず。仁科川は奥もあり、本流の一部を除けば、4月〜本格的になる。西伊豆三川だけが伊豆西部の渓流ではないが、林田さんのガイドブックをもう一度読む。戸田大川、土肥山川、宇久須川などを筆頭に、釣り場となる河川は多い。小土肥大川は源流にイワナが生息している。アマゴがメインだが、イワナも貴重だ。体色、形などから放流ものだと思う。そもそも伊豆のイワナは本来いたのか?わからない。ただ30年近くやっていて伊豆でイワナが釣れたのはここ数十年以内で昭和50年代はイワナは釣れた記憶はない。かなり前から人知れず生息していたか、放流だろう。丹沢や箱根近辺にもイワナが放された川がある。今期最終なので、仁科川水系にするが、決めていた源流の沢には先行者があり諦める。本流にも多数の釣り人がいる。他県ナンバーが多い。フライマンもいる。仁科川の漁期が10/30になったのだが、この時期そうは餌を追わない。僕は支流の更に源流部に入渓する。途中二人釣り人を見ながら奥に入る。やはりあたりはない。水量は少なめだが?アブラ君はいない沢だが、魚のさの字もない。絶えてしまったのか?理由はわからないがとにかく釣れない。戻り、また別の沢に入る。こちらは小渓だが、滝場がある。深淵に送るが全くアタリなし!どうしたんだろう。秋だから釣れないということもないだろうが?限界まで来たので、一度仁科峠に上がり、宇久須川へ行く。宇久須川の支流には好渓があるが釣り人が先に入渓していた。宇久須川水系は赤川や気になる色の河川もあるが、よい区間や沢もある。細かい移動が必要な水系だから、本流派には不向きな川だ。時間も遅くなったので海岸の温泉、うぐすの湯にむかった。うぐすの湯はちょっと高いが、21時までやっているのがうれしい。なんとも潮風が心地よい。西伊豆は終始海が見えるので、普段山ばかりの風景とは異なり、伊豆らしい渓流釣りを胆嚢できる。みかん畑や古い護岸のある川、葦が密生している川、どれも伊豆ならではの渓流だ。秋の西伊豆は夕日が綺麗だ。他の写真はhttp://suizankai.wablog.com/でご覧ください
It is a scale, a depth of the angling waters, and Nishinacawa is a first on the list as introduced by each guide book though 《 the mountain stream in the Izu west 》 Nishiizu of 【 Midoritani association and headquarters expedition 】 and 【 Izu district 】 the third-time 2006 eighth Gemmidoritskihan Mikawa is Nishinacawa, Nakagawa, and Iwacacawa. Because the hot spring of Osawa of Nakagawa is famous, the name of Nakagawa and the hot spring of Osawa is well known to the Kanto neighboring prefectures. Nobody knows by mountain stream man. Unsuitable feeling is seemingly done to fishing, and because the opening that seems to be Izu is faced at the early spring, those who fish by the use as the favorite hotel : the opening to the hot spring of Osawa hotel about the residence style in Nakagawa in a lot of guides of the fishery cooperative that are though he or she is a fishing season to 9/30. There must be those who fish, too. Is Nishinacawa there an interior, too and April if a part of the main stream is excluded?It becomes real. Mr./Ms. Hayashida's guide book is read again though Nishiizu Mikawa alone is not a mountain stream in the Izu west. There are a lot of rivers that become the angling waters with Toda Okawa, Toi Yamakawa, and Uku Sugawa, etc. at the top. As for small Toi Okawa, the rockfish lives in the source. The rockfish is also valuable though Amago is the main. I think that it is the discharge one because of Taiiro and shape, etc.Was there originally a rockfish of Izu to begin with?It doesn't understand. However, being able to catch the rockfish by having shortly done for 30 years in Izu doesn't have the memory that the rockfish was able to be caught within this tens of years in 1975's. It lived secretly ahead considerably or might be discharge. There are rivers where the rockfish was released also in Sawa and the vicinity of Hakone. There are those who precede it in the swamp of the source that has been decided and it gives it up though it makes to the Nishinacawa water system because it is the final this term. There are a lot of those who fish also in the main stream. There are a lot of numbers of other prefectures. There is fly man, too. The curettage food of this time is not chased though the fishing season of Nishinacawa became 10/30. I am insertion valley of the branch in the source part further. It enters the interior while seeing those who fish two people on the way. There is still around. Do though the volume of water is few?There is not a fish character though Abra is a swamp that not is either. Have it discontinued?Anyway, the reason cannot be fished though doesn't understand. It enters the return and another swamp. There is a waterfall place though here is a small valley. It is not complete Atari though sends to the abyss. How did you do?Do though there might not be not fishing because of autumn either?It goes up to the Nishina pass by one degree, and it goes to Uku Sugawa because it came to the limit. Those who fish are previous insertion valley though there is a good valley in Uku Sugawa's branch. In the Uku Sugawa water system, there is a river of Akagawa and the anxious color, and are a good section and a swamp. It is an unsuitable river for the main stream sect because it is a water system where a detailed movement is necessary. Because time had slowed, too it faced the hot water of in the hot spring in the coast. It is glad at 21 o'clock though the hot water of is high for a moment. The sea breeze of indescribable is comfortable. Because Nishiizu from beginning to end sees the sea, can it usually differ from the scenery only of the mountain, and it have the gallbladder of the mountain stream fishing that seems to be Izu. It is a river where the river and the reed with a mandarin orange field and old shore protections are bristly, and all are mountain streams only in Izu. The evening sun of Nishiizu of autumn is beautiful. Please see other photographs by http://suizankai.wablog.com/