
2006第8回【翠渓会・本部遠征】【伊豆方面】第四陣翠月版 《今期最後の大イワナ》 今日は惨敗連敗の三日間を振り返り、人と遇わない区間を選び、朝から気合いを入れて、釣り場に入る。土肥山川水系は支流の数がある。横瀬川、長野川、清越川、藤ガ沢などだ。近くには八木沢大川や小独立河川もある。まずは堰堤のある所から入る。魚はアタリも頻繁にでる、アマゴだ!一日目に伊東大川(松川)で尺越えのニジマスを見ているので、なんとも小さいが、アマゴは綺麗だ。放流だろう、そっと放す。イワナの顔を見たくなったなで、機動部隊出陣!源流に入ると、いずん尺イワナがいた長い淵だ。下からセオリー通り攻めるがあたりなし。ダメかぁ?落ち込みの左石のエグレに6Bの錘で打ちこむと、かすかに目印が浮いた。来たっ!重いぞ!ぐいぐい底に潜る!イワナだ!黒い巨体が浮いて来た!寄せようとした瞬間、バレた!掛かりが浅かったのか?悔いが残る。二三回流すが、ダメだ。上流には行く気になれず戻る。午後は最後に戸田大川水系を探る、以前から気になっていた沢に向かう、この戸田大川も支流が多い。これだけの規模の川だが、公認漁協はない。漁期はやはり県条令に従い10/31迄だ。 支流が多いと書いたが、下から、平戸沢、真城沢、北山川、石原川、白沢などである。しかしアブラ君しかでない時もあり、アマゴ釣り場としての安定性は低い。それでも本命の北山川や戸田大川の堰堤群を越えた、最源流のイワナは魅力だ!他の写真はhttp://suizankai.wablog.com/でご覧ください
It looks back on three days of the suffering a disastrous defeat series of defeats, the section to which it doesn't treat with the person is chosen, it puts spirit into in the morning, and it enters the angling waters 《 the last large rockfish this term 》 today of 【 Midoritani association and headquarters expedition 】 and 【 Izu district 】 the fourth-time 2006 eighth Gemmidoritskihan. In the Toi Yamakawa water system, there are number of branches. It is a Yokoze river, a Nagano river, Cocawa, and a wistaria Ga swamp, etc.There are Yagi Sawaoocawa and small independent river to be near, too. First of all, it enters from the place with the dam. In the fish, Atari is, and Amago in frequent. Amago is beautiful though indescribable is small because the rainbow trout of the scale excess is seen in Ito Okawa (Matsukawa) on. It might be discharge, and it releases it quietly. Pat and mobile unit going to the front that wants to see face of rockfish and became it. It is a long pool where it is not when entering the source but exists scale rockfish. It is none around though the theory street is attacked from the under. Not good?The sign floated faintly when driving it to Egre of a left stone of getting depressed with the weight of 6B. ..cause... It will be heavy. It dives in the with a jerk in the bottom. It is a rockfish. A black gigantic figure floated. ..departure.. ! of Bare at moment that tried to be drawnWas hanging shallow?It is regrettable. It is not good though is 23 circulating. It is not possible to feel like going to the upstream and it returns. The Toda Okawa water system is felt for at the end, toward the swamp that was anxious since before, and a lot of branches are had as for this Toda Okawa in the afternoon. There is no official recognition fishery cooperative though it is a river of the scale only of this. The fishing season is still up to 10/31 according to the prefecture regulations. From the under such as up to Hirado swamp, true castle swamp, Kitayama-gawa River, Ishiharacawa, and Shirasawa it though written that there are a lot of branchesStability as the Amago angling waters is low. only Abra howeverStill, Kitayama-gawa River of the favorite and Toda Okawa's dam group were exceeded, and the rockfish of the source is a charm. Please see other photographs by http://suizankai.wablog.com/