2007第1回【翠渓会・本部遠征】管領版 4
2007第1回【翠渓会・本部遠征】管領版 4
昨日のような寒さを感じない、朝からよい天気だ。早速、北山峡のポイントへ。しかし水無し状態。昨年より全然なく、魚影も薄い。アタリも殆ど無い為、呆気なく移動し昨年とは別の支流に入渓、源流部はかなりの険谷だ。ザイルも必要な箇所が多く、降り口では多少危険も伴う源流だ。中流域に再入渓。小アマゴが入れ食いだった。蒼翠殿は奥に入り、尺アマゴも見えたそうだが、釣れなかったとの事。で早めだが、拠点に帰還し本宮本陣をめざす。十津川村は折立で全面通行止めだ!南紀方面への転戦を余儀なくされるが仕方無し。本宮ではいつものスタンドで情報を聞く。『こんにちは〜』どうも!やはり皐月どころか天然稚鮎遡上も今年は無し。十津川もやはり雨が無く水量が激減している。本宮に着き、取り敢えず買い出しを済ませ、湯の峯温泉に向かう。連休の谷間だが、家族連れやカップルの観光客が多い。熊野は世界遺産に指定されてから、観光客がかなり増えたと思う。 湯の峯は熱い温泉だが、効能は高い。人気の『つぼ湯』珍しく待ち客無く空いていた。本宮本陣に戻り、今夜も宴会だ!
【 suikei association and headquarters expedition 】 tube of time 2007
first territory version 4
It is good weather that doesn't feel the cold like yesterday from the morning. Immediately, to the point of the Kitayama valley. However, Joutai without water. It is not at all since last year, and Uocage is also thin. It moves disappointing because there is little Atari, too and the insertion valley and the source part are considerable Tani in the branch besides last year. There are a lot of parts where the rope is necessary, and the source where danger is somewhat attended on getting off mouth, too. It is ..middle reaches region.. valley of the insertion ..again... Small Amago put and eating. The thing that it was not possible to fish though Midori enters the interior, and saw scale Amago. It returns to the base it is bringing forward and it aims at this Miyamoto formation. Totsukawa-mura is Ota and the overall suspension of traffic. There is no method though the fight in one place after another to the Nanki district is done through necessity. Information is heard in the usual stand in this Imperial prince. 'Hello' Thank you. It is not still on natural Iwakena Ayusacanobo to say nothing of May this year. There is still not rain in Totsukawa and either the volume of water has decreased sharply. It arrives at this Imperial prince, beginning purchase is finished temporarily, and toward the hot spring of Mine of the hot water. There are a lot of tourists of families and the couple though it is a valley of consecutive holidays. I think that the number of tourists increased considerably after it is specified for World Heritage of Kumano. The effect is high though Mine of the hot water is a hot hot spring. Popular 'Hot water of the jar' was unusually the waiting guest and had become empty. It returns to this Miyamoto formation, and the feast tonight.