2007第2回【翠渓会・本部遠征】管領版 2

2007第2回【翠渓会・本部遠征】管領版 2
【 suikei association and headquarters expedition 】 tube of times 2007
second territory version 2
The Itadori river says the river bay valley (Smell) the source part. The dam is completed there is still a good valley in the interior though there is Cawa. The Bami on the inside valley is a rockfish hanging place with the interior. There is a thing where those who precede it exist though the insertion valley can be done from flowing out suitable. The roadway just turns round Utibami and becomes a terminal in a crowded height. There is a sheer cliff though the source part is a Choshi cave where the Choshi waterfall is kept secret, too and it doesn't put it in an inexperienced person. There are a lot of falling rocks, too. Here seems to be able more still to enjoy the interior than to gate because it is comparatively gradual though the Akashi valley is a rockfish. The main stream decided to be done this time. Midori is the third. Amago is good, and the rockfish goes out of the main stream. The branch is deep though it roughly becomes a rockfish. It descends more than the old road tunnel on the dam ahead pavements or it seems to worsen every year. The chance meeting is Fcase, rapids, and the highest hanging place. sensaui and six Itadori Amago 28?24 were enticed. . I am a hot spring of Itadori river Baden house to say nothing of the return that is the rockfish only of one it (>_<). Because open air is wide, I like it better than indoor baths. Slow time flows. There are a lot of use of families and the camper family in the nearby campground. Consecutive holidays are always large flourishing. The return is congestion, and the Gifu district doesn't move from Seki City at all. It is still a highway on the road without a fork all along though 156 can do the Tokai Hokuriku road and congestion was eased somewhat. Congestion is reluctant.