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【翠渓会・本部遠征】蒼翠版 2

【翠渓会・本部遠征】蒼翠版 2  「やっと降った雨だけど…」  
【データ】・日程:5月1日(火) /・天候:雨 /水系:北山川水系支流
【釣行記】 今日からいよいよ紀伊半島遠征釣行の始まりである。しかし、昨晩夜中から降り出した雨は朝になっても止む様子無し。ある意味待望の雨であるが、この地方は日本有数の豪雨地帯であるので、喜んでばかりはいられない。一応6時には起きてみたものの、昨晩の打ち合わせ通り様子見となる。 それでも8時には春翠どのの作戦会議となる。雨は夕方には止む予報となったので、早めの昼食を取り10時出発とした。
 川は去年と特に変化無し。 ただ去年と違う所は、所々でアマゴが走るのが見られる。 少しは期待しながら最初の滝ポイントへ。ありゃー埋まっちゃてるよ。淵の大きさは半分位になっている。春翠どのが譲ってくれたので、私が探る事に。何投か目でやっと当たり有り。上げてみると、紀伊半島名物アブラハヤ君でした。めげずに粘ると、今度は違う当たり有り。今度もあっさり上がって来たのでアブラハヤかと思ったら、チビアマゴでした。一応今年初ものなので、安心する。
 その後遡行しながら釣り上がる。 要所要所のポイントでアブラハヤの中にアマゴが混じる。但し型は、20cm程度である。 本日最後にして最大の淵ポイントに到着。長淵の向こうに滝が見える紀伊半島特有のポイントだ。手前から竿を出せるのは両端のみだが、今年は淵が掘れて片側には胸まで浸からないと取り付けない。 春翠どのと相談し、私は高巻きして滝上に降りる事にした。滝上に降りると、下手の岩盤に春翠どのがへばり付いているのが小さく見える。(今回の画像です) 魚に気付かれ無い様、慎重に滝の落ち口から攻める。 何投か目の待望の当たりあり、抜き上げると期待したより小さいアマゴ。更に粘ると今度は結構引く。良く太った8寸アマゴだった。 春翠どのは過去にここで何度も良型を上げているので、更に粘るが、3匹目を釣り落とした後ピタリと当たりが止まった。 今日はここで諦めて、納竿とした。
 車に戻って片付け後、北山川を下って2日目の宿泊地北山村奥瀞へ。 「おくとろ温泉きたやま」で今日の汗を流す。久し振りの山岳釣りで疲れたので、今日は自炊中止、
併設のレストランで外食とする。「鶏ちゃん」と言う炒め物が、ピリ辛で美味でした。(ご飯のお代り自由だったので、つい…) 雨も止んで、明日は天気が良さそうだ。 

【 Midoritani association and headquarters expedition 】 of time 2007 first Midorihan 2"Rain that finally falls"
【 data 】- schedule: The /・ weather on Tuesday, May 1: Rain/water system: Kitayama-gawa River water system branch
【 fishing report 】It is a start of Kii peninsula expedition Tsocona more and more today. However, there is no rain that began to be gotten off ..seeming stop.. even if it becomes a morning since the middle of the night of last night. There cannot be foolish joyous because this provinces are the downpour zones in eminent Japan though it is rain of a certain meaning expectation. It tentatively becomes a stand-off according to last night's meeting though it occurs at six o'clock. Still, it becomes a Midori operation conference in spring at eight o'clock. The lunch of bringing forward was assumed to be a departure at ten o'clock of taking because rain had become a stopping forecast in the evening. The destination is a branch in last year and the same Kitayama-gawa River water system. Did it become a blessing last year though it was in ..pecan water shortage.. ..gills.. ..saying.. Me somewhat this year this rain?It arrives at the insertion valley point while cooling the body because of rain. The appearance of the river seen on the way is not fragrant. There is neither volume of water of last year nor a change to be cruel to run short of water up to now. It seems to become only dampness extent. Rain places the revitalization of Amago still, the hope of one minute is placed in rain of seeming to stop that not is though it is not strong because it suits.
The change was not especially in the river last year. However, Amago is seen to run in place place as for a place different from last year. To the first waterfall point while a little expecting it. It is burying in case of being. Half the size of the pool is a title. To the thing that I search for because Midori was transferred in spring. Eyes ..how many it.., and it finally hits and it exists. It was Kii peninsula special product Abrahaya when raising it. It hits this time different and it exists when sticky not discouraged. It was Tibiamago because it went up easily this time when thinking Abrahaya. Because it is the first one this year, it is tentatively relieved.
The be lifted retrograding afterwards. Amago mixes with Abrahaya in the point in the key point key point. However, the type is about 20cm. It makes at the end today and it arrives at the maximum pool point. It is a peculiar point to the Kii peninsula where the waterfall is seen in the other side of the length pool. It is possible to dig up the pool and it is not obtained for one side to be able to put out the pole from this side if not soaked to the chest this year though both ends alone. It consulted about Midori in spring, I ..height.. rolled, and it made it to getting off in Takinoue. It looks small to adhere to the bedrock of unskilled Midori in spring when getting off in Takinoue. (It is this image. )The fish is noticed and it attacks it from the fall mouth of the waterfall ..externals that not are.. carefully. It hits about the expectation of eyes ..how many it.., it exists, and Amago that is smaller than it expected it when pulling out and raising it. In addition, it considerably pulls it this time when sticky. It was fat well eight-'sun' Amago. The hit stopped right after the third was fished and it dropped though it was sticky in addition because the good type had been raised many times here in the past of Midori in spring. Today was given up here, and made Sao.
Return to the car, descend Kitayama-gawa River after putting things in order, and to staying Tikitayamamuraoctoro of the second day.  Today's sweat is thrown by "It is fountain of the temperature of the furnace when putting it". Discontinuance of cooking for oneself and establishing as an annex are assumed dining out at a restaurant today because it became tired because of mountains fishing after a long time. The stir-fry said, "Chicken" was Piri ..painful.. delicious dish. (Inadvertently because it was a free taking the place of meal. )Rain seems to stop, too and it to be fine tomorrow.