■日本渓流会JP■翠渓会本部日本渓流会JP翠渓会本部・管領 TOTALEDITER 春翠



【データ】・日程:5月2日(水) /・天候:霧のち晴れ /水系:北山川水系支流
【釣行記】 今日は一日渓流釣り三昧の予定である。 朝起きると少し肌寒い。霧が出ている。奥瀞の深い山並みの間に霧が立ち籠め、なかなか幻想的な風景である。 軽い朝食後出発。まずは、北山川本流のポイントを目指す。
 釣り場に到着しても、相変わらず山には霧が掛かったまま。時折太陽が弱く顔を覗かせる。川の方には霧が掛かってないが、水量は芳しくない。何と去年よりも30cm近く減水している。小雨の為、上流のダムが観光放水(瀞峡上り)以外は減らしている様だ。昨日の雨もこちらにはお湿り程度だったみたい。 本命の淵ポイントも、流れが弱まり川底が見えてしまっている。取り敢えず春翠どのが竿を出したが、やはり掛かるのはアブラハヤのみである。これではどうしようも無いので、早々に切り上げて支流に向かう事にする。
 次は、瀞峡に注ぐの支流の一つに入る。春翠どのによると、この川は下流は平坦で水量少なめであるが、上流に行くと滝と段差の連続となり険しい渓相と言う事だ。 しばらく林道沿いの山行を続けると、道が川を渡る橋に到着。ここから林道は、一気に標高を上げ始める。ヒーヒー言いながら上ると、行き先方向に紀伊半島特有の両岸切り立った絶壁の渓相が見える。但し川床は見えない。途中に、滝が掛かっているのが僅かに見える。春翠どの曰く、あの滝上に行かないと降りる場所が無いそうだ。 ようやく降り口に着き、今度は急斜面の下降を始める。取り敢えず川床は見えるのだが、最後がどうなっているのかは、降りてみないと判らない。案の定最後は軽い絶壁になっており、補助ロープを使って何とか降りれた。 降りた場所の渓相はすばらしい。大岩が重なり、中々の水量が翠色の淵を形成している。但しこれが災いして、遡行出来る区間が限られてしまった。今回も安全第一だし、おじさん技量も乏しいので仕方なし。一応アマゴの魚影を確認した後、降りて来た斜面を登って林道に戻ることに。 次回機会があれば、降りるポイントを変えじっくり攻めてみたい。
 川が近い所まで戻って、今度は堰堤下狙い。 水量は多くないが、淵は十分大きい。上下流に別れて、別々の堰堤下に入る。 私が入った方は、2段構成になっており段差も高い。 当たりは結構あり、恒例のアブラハヤに混ざって、数尾のアマゴを上げることが出来た。(今回の画像です) 一段目で当たりが無くなったので、少し高巻きして2段目へ。下からは判らなかったが、ちゃんと掘れた大淵を形成している。但し、水は落ち口ではなく、水中のパイプから出ている。ここから上は、しばらく伏流している様だ。その為あまり期待せず探っていると、淵尻のカケ上がり付近から、尺クラスがスーと動いた。そこからヤル気満々で粘るが、結局喰わす事は出来ず。日が高いので、警戒している様だ。 時間も頃合いなので、ここで納竿。戻ると春翠どのが河原で昼寝していた。こちらの方も、良型は出ないが結構遊べたそうだ。
 その後北山川沿いを下って熊野川本流へ。 熊野大社を通り過ぎ、「湯の峰温泉」を目指す。この温泉は、数種類の湯船がある共同浴場と野外の壷湯が有名である。春翠どのに勧められて、「くすり湯」に入ったが、とにかく熱い。私など腰まででも長く入って居られないが、春翠どのは首まで浸かって長風呂だそうだ。私は早々に退散し、外で涼しい風に当たる。お陰で、今日の疲れは残らず済みそうだ。

【 suikei association and headquarters expedition 】 of time 2007 first Midoria 3"The valley in the Kii peninsula is not sweet. "
【 data 】- schedule: The /・ weather on Wednesday, May 2: Clear weather/water system after fog: Kitayama-gawa River water system branch
【 fishing report 】It is a schedule of three mountain stream fishing a day today. A little chilly when getting up in the morning. The fog has occurred. The fog is shrouded between the mountain levels with a deep interior pool, and quite fantastic scenery. Departure after light breakfast. First of all, it aims at the point of the Kitayama-gawa River main stream.
Even if it arrives at the angling waters with the fog hung in the mountain as usual. The sun sometimes weakly peeps at the face. The volume of water is not fragrant though the fog doesn't hang in the river. It falls from last year very much by about 30cm. The dam in the upstream seems to decrease it excluding the sightseeing draining water ( on the pool valley) off because of drizzle. Yesterday's rain was dampness extent here. The pool point of the favorite also becomes weak the flow and sees the riverbed. It is only Abrahaya to hang still though the Midori pole was temporarily put out in spring. With this, it makes it though it does very because it is not to the round-up early and facing to the branch.
The following enter one of the branches pouring into the pool valley. Smoothly the downstream are the volume of water things in Midori and this river that become continuous of the waterfall and the difference when going to the upstream and are called a steep valley aspect in spring though it is rather few. It arrives at the bridge where the road goes across the river when the mountain line along the woodland path is continued for a while. The woodland path begins to raise the altitude here at a dash. The valley aspect of a peculiar precipice to the Kii peninsula where both shores are sheer is seen in the direction of the destination when going up though it is Hehe remark. However, the riverbed is not seen. On the way, it looks little that the waterfall hangs. I hear that there is no place gotten off if not going to Midori reason and that Takinoue in spring. It arrives at the getting off mouth, and, this time, the descent of the steep slope is started at last. How the end becomes it is not understood if not getting off though temporarily sees the riverbed. The end as I thought was a light precipice, and it was possible to get off ..managing the use of a supplementary rope... The valley aspect of the place gotten off is wonderful. Oiwa comes in succession, and the volume of water on an inside inside forms the pool of Midoriiro. However, this does harm, and the section that can retrograde has been limited. It is safely first this time, and because the uncle capability is also scarce, it is reluctant. To the tentative climb of the slope gotten off after Uocage of Amago is confirmed and the return to the woodland path. I want to take time for changing the point gotten off and the attack if there is a chance of next time.
It returns to the place where the river is near, and, this time, the aim under the dam. The pool is very large though there are not a lot of volume of waters. It separates like the top and bottom, and it enters under a separate dam. It is two step composition that I enter and the difference is also high. The hit was able to raise several Amago by being considerably, and mixing with customary Abrahaya. (It is this image. )To rolling ..a little.. ..high.. and the second step because the hit disappeared by the first step. Ofuchi who was able to dig neatly is formed though it did not understand from the under. However, water has come out from the pipe not the fall mouth but in water. It seems to flow underground here for a while on. Therefore, the scale class moved from the vicinity of the Cake going up of the pool hips with Sue when not expecting so much and searching. After all, thing cannot be done though it is sticky ..there.. ..be full of willingness it... Because the sun is high, it seems to watch it. Because it is suitable, Sao. It took a nap in the Midori river beach in spring when returning. I hear that the good type was able here to play considerably though it doesn't go out.
Descend the Kitayama-gawa River measuring up afterwards and to the Kumanogawa main stream. It passes in the great shrine of Kumano, and it aims at "The peak hot spring of the hot water". As for this hot spring, Tsboyu of the public bath and the outdoors with several kinds of bathtubs is famous. Anyway, it is ..Midori.. hot in spring though .... was recommended, and entered "Hot water of". I hear that it is soaked to the Midori neck in spring and length bath though it is not possible to enter long even with the waist such as us. I flee early, and hit the cool breeze outside. In the favor, all seem to be settled of today's tiredness.
